As a member of the Republic of Immortality, one is expected and required to maintain a level of credibility to the utmost of heights.
One must abide by the rules of the clan, render respect where it is due, and always behave knowing that when they are seen on they are not seen as an individual, but as THE clan of Immortality. Therefore, this system has been put into place as a means of correcting and reminding a member when they perform less than adequately in the eyes of their leaders. Below you will find offenses and beside them a number of marks of dishonor that will be recieved upon commiting them. Each member will have a total of 20 marks of dishonor which they may recieve and still be counted as a member of the clan. However, once this mark is surpassed by even one mark, the member will stand trial before the High Council to recieve a dishonorable discharge from the clan.
Each time that an offense has been commited that is deemed worthy of a mark(s) of dishonor, the member will be called into the presence of the High Council to defend themselves at which time they will be allowed to have any member with the rank of Knight and above to defend them if they so wish it. Upon hearing the case, the High Council will recess to discuss the verdict and upon return will announce their decision, and why briefly to help the offender not to be found guilty of the same offense twice. The decision of the High Council is final, and after the verdict has been declared, any reputes furthur into the matter will be deemed as disrespect to the High Council and their authority, and will be dealt with as such an offense as listed below. These marks of dishonor will remain with the member for a period of six months upon which time the High Council will reconvene along with the noble in whose court the member resides and the Duke of that shire. The member will be discussed and if found worthy the marks will be removed, and if not they will remain for another six months.
A member who has more than 15 marks of dishonor is not eligible to recieve any awards or medals, although any extraordinary actions on that members part will be considered and may be grounds for early removal of marks, the number specific to the decision of the High Council. If any member feels that an offense has been made, and feel it should be brought to attention, then that member will follow this chain of command: First tell the offense to the noble in whose court you reside, that noble will in turn report the offense to the Duke of the shire in which they reside, and the Duke will in turn approach the High Council. It is the nobles' responsibilities to report these findings as soon as possible. The member who made the report will be notified as soon as the High Council has heard of this from the Duke of the Shire. Therefore, if a lengthy period of time passes with no response from the High Council, the member may approach them to see if they have indeed been notified. This is only a last effort option, and the member is required to use the chain of command before anything else, thereby assuring that the High Council recieves reports of problems from the Duke of the shire almost always. The reason behind this is to keep nobles informed of the status of members and their situations within their lands. The following are the offenses thus far for marks of dishonor, and ammendments may be posted as deemed necessary by the High Council.
1. Disrespect rendered to the High Council - 5 marks
2. Disrespect to your noble - 5 marks
(Note: These marks are the minimum number of which you will recieve, but the noble may petition the Council to add marks to the verdict on a case by case basis)
3. Disrespect to a noble in whose court or shire you do not reside - 3 marks
(Note: The reason for the difference in points between nobles here is that one is expected to understand their noble and have great respect for them. However, one may not fully understand the mind of a noble in whose court they do not reside, and therefore they will be given a bit of a break. Keep in mind however that your noble may petition that you recieve extra marks if he deems them deserved, and the High Council will decide whether or not to grant that petition.)
4. Disrespect rendered to any ally - 10 marks
5. Violation of any of the clan rules - 1 mark per first offense; 2 marks for any second offense of the same nature; 3 marks for the third offense of the same nature, etc.
6. PKing outside of the guidelines set by the High Council - 10 marks
7. Failure to report, when called upon, to the High Council, your noble, or 'pretending you are deaf' in the retails or in games - 5 marks
8. Stealing items - 10 marks
9. Anyone found guilty of lieing to the High Council - 10 marks
10. To be found guilty of bringing reproach upon the clan - 10 marks
As a note, we would like to hope that the leaders of the clan (Nobles,First Knight, High Council) will conduct themselves always in such a manner that there will be no need to distribute these marks of dishonor to them. However, leaders or not, these members are also members of the clan and are in subjection to the very same rules as stated above. If one notes a noble or other leader has committed an act worthy of a mark of dishonor, that individual may then bypass the chain of command and report to the High Council. If the instance involves a High Councilor, then the member may approach the Councilor of Internal Affairs to state the complaint, unless the offending Councilor is the councilor of Internal Affairs in which case the member may choose another councilor to which they may report the instance.