Every member has to follow these rules, not following these rules can lead to banishment from the clan.
1. No Pk'ing, unless we are at war with the clan he/she is a member of, or the person is a pk him/herself.
1st amendment:
When a member of Immortality encounters a PK he/she must take note of his/her account and alias and report him/her to Immortality. The name and account will be placed in a specific PK list. All members may then hunt the PK's on the list and receive points when successful.
2nd amendment: When a member of Immortality is attacked or sees other players be attacked in open games he/she will have the right to defend him/herself or help the ones in need. If this member is successful in killing this PK he/she will receive points. However it is still required to report the name and account to Immortality.



2. Respect for all Battle.net users in general.

3. Although we stipulate to be legit, limited cheats are allowed. But NO godmode, autokill, unlimited belt or goldly mana.
3rd amendment: An exception will be made for the Council Guard when they have to do battle with an adversary who uses these kind of cheats him/herself and is an enemy of our clan, either be a PK or a member of an enemy clan.
4th amendment: Since patch 1.10 NO hacks will be allowed by any member. Although the CG still reserves the right and option to combat adversaries using hacks if the situation so demands.


4. No governmental task will be performed by others then the high council. Unless the councilor responsible for the task asked a member to do it.
5th amendment: An exception will be made in times of war. When the clan faces war the war council will be formed. All Dukes and the First Knight will be full members of the war council and decide with the High Council on the strategies to follow.


5. You are allowed to have more than one character but no more than three for Diablo 1 and five for Diablo 2, these characters have the same rank and points. The correct tag to use is ~(I) for the account name and _ROI for player names in D2. In D1 you have to use your rank in the tag name. ~P(I) Page-Boy, ~S(I)Squire, ~K(I)Knight, ~B(I)Baron, ~C(I)Count, ~D(I)Duke. Other tags are ~[I] Council , ~{I} Council Guard, ~FK{I} First Knight and ~T(I) crusader.
6th amendment: You are allowed to have ONE character in D1 without any clantags or ONE account name in D2 without the ~(I) tag.
7th amendment: When having already one character without the clan tag it is not allowed for a member playing newly formed characters without the clan tag when he/she was already a member of our clan.
8th amendment: Since Patch 1.09 the account name cannot wear our old tag. Members have to use the plain (I) as tag name for their account, also the above char limitations are not mandatory since the release of this patch.


6. It is not allowed to earn points in both Diablo games. Members may of course play both games but you only recieve points and rank for one.
9th Amendment: You may only make the step from Diablo1 to Diablo2 and retain rank and points.
10th Amendment: With the patch 1.10 our clan stopped playing Diablo officially. 


7. Complaints about issues in Immortality will be researched and treated by the council. Report to them if you have a complaint. You can do so in the report post.


8. A member has to be on Battle Net regularly. If a member is not online for a month without reporting he/she will be removed from Immortality's member list.
11th Amendment: The name of any member who is believed to be inactive will be published on the site and will receive an e-mail. If the council receives no word from the member ,in one week after publishing the name on the site, he/she will be removed from the member list.
12th Amendment: When a member reports that he/she will be inactive this member will be put on the inactive list. However no longer than 2 months. After that the name of the member will be put on the site and if no response is received within one week he/she will be removed from the member list.
13th Amendment: While it is not mandatory to join in the monthly clan meeting it is mandatory to report to the council that you are not participating in the clan meeting. Failing to do so 2 times (2 months) will result in being removed from the member list.


9. A member who joins our clan HAS to join a court. A court is ruled by a noble and can be a Duke, Count or Baron. If the member is not recruited by a noble the Council will ask him/her in the interview which court a member wants to join. If the member cannot choose the council will choose for him/her.


10. When a councilor leaves the council he will be a normal member with the rank of Knight. A new council member will be chosen by the council.
14th Amendment: The council will look first amongst the Dukes for an replacement. If no Duke is available or willing the council may choose any member they deem worthy of the job.
15th Amendment: The only way an ex-councilor may be councilor again is to become Duke through normal questing and then succeed a leaving councilor. He/she may never be picked (again) by the council.
16h Amendment: An exception can be made when choosing a councilor for the task of webmaster as this skill is not possessed by all.


11. When a member does something harmful for the clan he/she can be demoted in rank. If a member sinks lower then Page-boy he/she will be banished from the clan.
17th Amendment: The council will investigate any wrongdoings. The accused may choose any other member from the rank of Knight onward to assist him/her in the defense. Specific rules will be found on the site.


12. When a member does something noteworthy for the clan or an ally he/she can receive an acknowledgement by the council in the form of an award or medal.
Amendment: It will be possible to receive medals from your noble. There are specific medals for nobles in place. ONLY a Duke may have his/her own shire specific medals. But no more then 3 and if a medal is in place it must be an 'active' medal for at least 6 months. These shire specific medals will be published on the site.


13. A new shire will be opened if there is a Duke a Count and a Baron in a shire. The new noble will go to a new shire which is ruled by the council until he/she is ready to become Duke or another noble becomes Duke.
19th Amendment: The amount of Shires is limited to five.
20th Amendment: A shire consists of 3 courts with a member total of maximal 20 members of the clan (3 nobles + 17 members). The Duke , which is the leader of the shire, a county and a barony. The Court of the Duke is the largest and can have 9 members , the county can have 5 members and a barony 3.
21st Amendment: When a Count in a full shire becomes Duke he/she will get to rule a shire not already ruled by a Duke. The same applies to a baron who will transfer to another shire without a Count when he/she promotes to Count.
22nd Amendment: Since patch 1.10 there will be one Diablo Shire. All nobles will have their courts in this Shire.


14. It is not allowed for any member to be also a member of a different Diablo or Diablo2 clan. It is allowed ,as long as the clan of Immortality has no Starcraft section, to be a member of another Starcraft clan.


15. The Clan of Immortality has a member limit of 45 members (excluding Council). When that amount is reached people can still join but have to wait until there are 5 people on the waiting list. Then the councilor of Internal affairs and the noble of the Shire and / of court the member hopeful want to live in, will interview the five waiting and decide if they are worthy to join the clan.
23rd Amendment: When someone is deemed worthy to join our clan he/she will start at the rank of page-boy. A page-boy is a trainee and has to reach the squire rank in one (1) month. Failing to do so will result in being removed from the member list. After reaching that rank the squire will be put on the member list and counted as a full member.
24th Amendment: Because page-boys are not full members yet they are not counted towards the member limit. In addition a noble may not have more then 4 page-boys at any given time.
25th Amendment: Although page-boys are not full members yet they are allowed to participate in clan meetings, clan festivities and tournaments.
26th Amendment: You cannot promote to a higher rank within the month you promoted to your current rank. This even if you have the correct amount of reputation points and other obligations for filled. When the month has passed you will be evaluated considering your possible promotion in our clan.
27th Amendment: Since patch 1.10 The nobles themselves interview the member hopefuls opting for their courts.