by Albertus » Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:14 pm
Dennizon farewell poem to Mythic after the Darkness Rising expansion debacle:
The field is all chewed up, time for greener pastures.
Mythic can longer be called our inept masters.
May this colorful box so cheerfully depicted above,
So usefully useless yet reportedly crafted with love,
Continue to absorb bandwidth in a world of pixilated mediocrity
Inhabited by the blinded led by the blind whose sagaciousness is trumpeted
Yet unclearly seen for its ability to create catastrophe
The winds of change blow, and with it a seed,
Blows swiftly to lands not so desperately in need.
For spring's coming soon and with it new rain
To wash away darkness and reveal a fruited plain.
Is this a poem? Perhaps maybe so.
But whether knowing or not knowing it was time to go.
The question, one would suppose, in thinking on this
Is how much can one endure, is this place your wish?
Nay I think not, for time is most precious
The past can be treasured, but the future is restless.
Remember the past, hold to its lessons learned
But stay too long in the mire, and your countenance will be turned.
Oh the freedom and peace with waking each morn,
And knowing yesterday is gone with nothing to mourn.
The future is bright, the storm now resigned,
And Mythic can kiss my posterior behind