Hail Valandir,
Well i think Camelot Unchained is not going to be produced if i am honest about it. Last time i checked i saw an uproar on youtube as Mark Jacobs used the crowdfunding cash for this abysmal tower capturing game a la Fortnite or something. I tell you that guy threw away everything he had with DAOC by selling out to EA and then messing up with Warhammer Online instead of DAOC2. And now totally destroyed his last chance to redeem himself by scamming people for their cash to create a complete other game.
I basically am waiting for the next DAOC myself in Guildwars 2 atm. Its no DAOC but what game is. I encounter some DAOC players from time to time like Umores.
For some reason i can not get interested again in DAOC while its free of sorts now. On the one side i do not want to risk eroding my good memories of the game and on the other side i think i am spoiled a little with the newer games visuals and safetywheel controls..
