by Dennizon » Mon Jul 27, 2015 1:16 am
Hail Immortals,
I am posting the Tribal Wars 2 ranking system here as well since it is a bit easier to read here.
ROI Tribal Wars 2 Rank System:
The High Council
High Councilor- There are only 4 High Councilors and they are only admitted by the currently sitting High Council.
The Council Guard
First Knight- Leader of the Council Guard and Military Advisor to the High Council (Selected by the High Council)
Guardian Knight- Member of the elite fighting and espionage force of the High Council (selected by the First Knight, and ratified by the High Council)
Noble Ranks:
The High Council is the ultimate authority in granting ranks of nobility. In order to claim a rank, all of your cities that meet the required level must be in the same province. It is possible to be a noble in more than one province, but due to space restrictions it will not always be possible to attain a noble rank, so plan wisely in establishing your villages. If you are surpassed in points by another member of the guild, they will replace you as the noble of that particular province. A noble may summon their vassal noblemen to assist in offensive or defensive operations as they see fit, provided it does not result in undue hardship on the vassal. Grievances can be filed with the High Council should issues arise. Diplomacy is the key to these leadership positions, and abuse of subjects will not be tolerated.
Duke- Noble rank. Must have a total of at least 5 cities ranked 10000 or higher (Each Duke will be assigned one vassal Count, which will include the Count’s vassal Baron)
Count- Noble rank. Must have a total of at least 5 cities ranked 6000 or higher (Each Count will be assigned one vassal Baron)
Baron- Noble rank. Must have a total of at least 5 cities ranked 3000 or higher
Standard Ranks:
Standard ranked members will fall under the jurisdiction of their provincial noble. Nobles have the right to coordinate defensive/offensive actions of the members at large in their province. This means that if you are called upon to support military action by your respective noble, you will be required to support them unless you petition the High Council with a grievance or concern that such action causes undue hardship.
Knight – Must have a city ranked at 1000 or higher.
Squire- Must have been invited to the guild by a current member.
Page – This rank is only for those who submit an application to join, and are accepted, but did so of their own accord and were not actively invited by a current member of the guild.