by Dennizon » Sat Apr 26, 2014 11:16 pm
I remember when Freedom joined the clan and ended literally every sentence with an exclamation point. Back in those days such things were seen as either rude, annoying, or at least strange. Over the years Freedom mastered the English language for those of us too dim to speak more than one language, and I got to know him as well as one can through the internet and voice chats.
Freedom was the type of guy who I always had a soft spot for in my heart. He often annoyed me, but inside I knew him to be my friend. I knew he lived a life without the friends he sometimes longed for, without the respect he deserved, and with judgments made about him over things he had no control over. There are many people in these circumstances in life, and they oftentimes are the most loyal of friends and the most vivacious characters simply because they take the very little they many times have and do not take it for granted. This was Freedom.
I knew Freedom lived on borrowed time, but to speak to him you would rarely know it. He did mention once of twice that he had lived past his expected life span, but he was always optimistic, upbeat, and dreaming. The last dream I saw him trying to follow was the creation of his own business. While I knew it was unlikely to bloom in the way he envisioned, I couldn't help but admire his determination and drive. There are so many people blessed with everything who try to do nothing, and ultimately are simply often wallowing in self-pity. While Freedom did get discouraged in some things, he never gave in to self-pity and for that I salute him.
I miss Freedom more than I ever thought I would to be frank. His passing was considered likely, and old age was considered a remote possibility at best, but it still came upon me faster than I ever expected. It is a lesson to never take a moment for granted.
Freedom was a good man. Sensitive, kind, caring and ultimately simply craving companionship. And while not seen as being quite as capable as others perhaps, he was a strong advocate for principle, strength, and courage. His very online moniker, was a reflection of the life he wanted due to the fact he was bound away from a normal life by his physical circumstances. These are things I admire and respect.
Rest in peace Freedom. It is my most sincere prayer that I will see you again in the hereafter my dear friend. You are missed, and will not be forgotten.