Since a while I have been crafting for the guild in guild wars 2. A nice way of helping guild mates in their journey to the end game versus other Worlds/servers. It's getting better and better and I can craft more and more.
The following things can be crafted by me:
- Light Armor
- Medium Armor
- Heavy Armor
- Knives, swords, greatswords
- maces, hammers, axes
- staves, scepters, focus
- guns, rifles
- harpoon, trident
- All kinds of material
- rings
- necklaces
- earrings
- upgrades for jewelry from NPCs
- some kinds of slaying potions
[sigils & Runes]
- some
[chef meals]
- all kinds of meals with temperary buffs including +xx% exp per kill (xx=random number)
All these things can improve your characters and make battles easier. Most of these are not sold by NPC vendors.
Want to speed up levelling and/or be well prepared for a battle? Mail me ingame
For Guildies I just ask the required materials. The rest is up to you. Ask me which ones I need for it. Oh yes, inform me as much about the character and the pieces you want me te craft as you can, The more details the better, In special which stats to improve and which char level, armor/weapon type.
When all is clear and sent to me I will craft your pieces as soon as I can.
so if you are in need for a new craft mail me in game!
If you willing to support the development of the craft levels and have some spare materials or gold then you can mail it to me. I will try to find something equally valuable in return if you wish to.
If you have some time to help me level my characters (questing in party with me) just let me know. I like to hunt with guildies gathering for crafting and doing hearts and story quests together.
When we work as a team (help each other as much as we can like puzzle pieces which stick together) we (have the potential to) become the best guild of the server! Maybe even the whole game!