Guildwars 2

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Re: Guildwars 2

Postby Albertus » Sun Sep 02, 2012 7:57 pm

Due to our old servers huge polulation and long lines for RvR we moved our house to US server :

Devona's rest

Freedom please transfer to there at the server selection screen. Its free and we invite you then.
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Re: Guildwars 2

Postby Freedom » Tue Sep 04, 2012 11:23 am


The move to Devona's Rest was a good choice. Less players, but better quality. What a social players! I participated in some events in the starters area and it was natural teamwork. I died several times and if someone was able to help me out then he or she would. Big monsters attract a huge amount of players. Mostly I was oriented by audio and even with a medium quality headset the audio is amazing. video as well. i wonder what kind of community it is and how big the level of RolePlay and honor is on this server. Also what people like to do in a guild besides gaming (ceremonies) Those things lacked in Guild Wars players that brought us to dissolving the guild. Lazy, selfish, elitist gamers with a big mouth and no action or RolePlay. We do not need such players. The Immortals I know value the clan/guild development above their own development. Teamwork, honor, roleplay. They asked themselves regularly what they could do for the clan instead of what the clan can do for them. If 1 person needed help, a handful of clanmates were there to help him and with a full group the task was done in no time. Raids, Quests, World vs World ... Immortals were best to have as allies and not to have as an enemy. Don't ignore the advice of an Immortal. They know what they are talking about, or you will find out the consequences. (I am referring to that story of Minion warning a player about a group of enemies roaming near being a lethal threat for anyone coming close. The player ignored him and got slaughtered.)

Oh yes the nice thing of NOT finishing instanced quests right away is that it will reset it self as soon as you exit and enter it. (storylines are instances). A great way to get exp and loot. Some events like the hearts are recurring, some are not. Those recurring ones are great for exp and loot.

For a start ... this is a great game!


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Re: Guildwars 2

Postby Jon Arrdys » Sat Sep 08, 2012 9:13 am

Just dropped in to say hi. Not sure how this will be recieved after 10 years. (I was Vanye).

Great pictures in your history both Diablo, DAOC and GW2.

Wanted to let you know, the primary RP servers in GW2 are:

US: Tarnished Coast (The server I am on as Jon Arrdis) [Main character for now].
Overflow server is Stormbluff Isle

EU: Piken Square
Overflow Server is Ruins of Surmia

Two good sites for RP connections: [best of the two]

If you want to build on ROI, that is where I would go...a LOT of resources there and a lot of people looking for a home.

I posted on Scorpion's old bravenet forum...just remenicing, but guess no one hits it anymore.

Don't play much now that I am back in the states...I am guessing maybe 7-10 hours or so a week. Spend a lot more time running, cycling, fishing, golfing and playing volleyball...LOL...when I am not working in the yard.

After I left UO, I played WoW extensively, GW, LOTRO, D3 for about a week...LOL, STO and beta'd GW2.

Loving everything about GW2 except the crafting...too much burden to collect the required mats and no way for you to keep up crafting with your level unless you turn it into a carreer...but I believe so far, this is the best game ever produced.

Please pass my best wishes on to any of the old players you run into. Wish you guys the best.

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Re: Guildwars 2

Postby Freedom » Sun Sep 09, 2012 4:00 pm

hello Vanye,

after a day or 2 after launch I started playing Guild wars 2. The crafting system is a bit easier then you think because guild wars 2 has some features you might have overlooked.

- EVERY ONE can buy an ingame axe, mining pick and gathering scythe to collect those materials which are indicated on the mini map just by pressing F. No skills required. So you can finally let the hunting group gather your materials for you while you focus on crafting and even LEVEL your CHARACTER with it as well. Even more when you DISCOVER recipes which are also pointed on [url ref=""]Guild Wars 2 Database[/url]. Just discover the recipe you miss by using the anvil pane and you will level way faster.

- you can BUY INGREDIENTS from the Black Lion Trading Post (Auction House) by RIGHT CLICKING on the collectables tab of the crafting station. e.g. if you need copper ore then you right click on the copper ore square and left click on buy copper ore.

this way with enough money (or enough friends who help you) you can basically level your char to 80 by using ALL crafts in which you can craft 2 at a time. Just switch and you will NOT lose progress.

you can make all kinds of things even tridents (standard under water weapon).

Gatherers can get a nice profit from selling there collection in the auction house.

the more you craft right after each other the faster it will be. (like 1 time 10 things crafting goes faster than 10 times 1 thing crafting)

cooking is different than the rest. haven't done cooking yet.

This is all I can tell.


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Re: Guildwars 2

Postby Albertus » Sun Sep 09, 2012 7:00 pm

Hail Vanye,

I welcome all that were there during those glory days of role play. While the game(s) we played and the options it offered were limited at best we made up for it by fantasy, honor and creativity. I still have literally gigabytes of information, files, screens and the like from those times. I will upload some Fianna specific files I have next week. That may be a good read as well :).

For the moment though we are not rebuilding as such beyond welcoming old veterans here and in GW 2 atm. Who knows what the future brings but it suffices for the moment.

Again a salute to that ancient time and the 'old way' and to you as one of those that helped to color it.

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Re: Guildwars 2

Postby Jon Arrdys » Sun Sep 09, 2012 10:48 pm


Thanks for the advice. Gotta say I knew the information...but it was kind of you to go through the effort. On TC, maybe it is different. The ingredients cost so much, you can not buy them unless you quest heavy and sell what you're not using. Example, yesteryday, one jute was selling for 48c. But level 25 gear was selling for 35-40c. (blues). So you could completely gear up for about 1/5th the cost of buying the mats to make gear.

What I have decided to do is to work Jon until he is level 70 or 80, saving the mats as he goes and then create a new character and have them do nothing but craft with what he saved up along with the money he saves. That way my second character will be able to craft anything for any other characters I make or any guild members.

Might stink,but it sounds link a plan to me. :-)
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Re: Guildwars 2

Postby Jon Arrdys » Sun Sep 09, 2012 10:52 pm


Thank you for the kind words and the warm welcome. I hope you fare well on the server you have selected. Maybe one day our characters will meet.

Peace to you my friend.
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Re: Guildwars 2

Postby Dennizon » Fri Feb 01, 2019 4:37 am

It's interesting reading these old threads. Here we are, still in the game, and learning new things in WvW!
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