Welcome back! Most of that time has been erased out of my memory. (At least until Albertus dug up all those trash! LOL!

Now we have a great time in Guild Wars 2. We are getting amazed from one thing to another. Good events, good crafting system, great storyline, nice items, playable on a lot of computers (mid-end to high-end) and so on... even Blizzard has taken over some features in his new Panda expansion like the bronze/silver/gold medal system for events/dungeons. that is from Guild Wars 2 dev team. (who originated from Blizzard). I heard it at the live launch event on youtube.
The audio is great. you can even hear where what is taking place and I can orientate mainly on audio with a medium headphone. The loops in towns are a bit frustrating. When you are too long on the same place you will hear them and at one of the crafting stations there is a naughty irritating boy teasing a girl. If I could I would have teached that boy a lesson, but it doesnt help anyway. For that the game has rats, rabbits, chickens and the like. Yes, guild wars 2 is an improvement and Devona's Rest a nice server where people unknown to each other help each other out quite well. (one dynamic event was finished almost right after it started. I missed it, not having enough time to react and contribute, lol!). I spent most of the time crafting, than gathering than questing. (Oups, now I realise I should do it the other way around. LOL! That's how those guys level so fast!)
Crafting has no animation, but a bar being filled. (Luckily mass production has increased speed over time). Besides the standard magical equipment you can also make runes, upgrades, boxes for storing items, just like bags, and a lot more. Oh yes COOKING. Mix ingredients and see what it brings. I haven't tried it yet, but it might be fun.
The auction house is great... you can also buy and sell crafting materials. If demand is high enough you can also sell your end produts.
I hope you will find your way back to us.